Creating a New Application

Wrapper applications are based on the argparse package from the standard Python library. The BaseParser class extends this functionality and ensures all applications share the same fundamental behavior.

To create a new application, inherit from the BaseParser class and define the following:

  1. The application description as class documentation

  2. The application arguments (and help text) in the class __init__ method

  3. The core application logic in the app_logic method

An example template is provided below:

>>> from argparse import Namespace

>>> from apps._base_parser import BaseParser

>>> class ExampleApplication(BaseParser):
...     """This docstring becomes the application description in the CLI help text."""
...     def __init__(self) -> None:
...         """Define arguments for the command line interface"""
...         super().__init__()
...         self.add_argument('-f', '--foo', help="This is help text for foo")
...     def app_logic(self, args: Namespace) -> None:
...         """Logic to evaluate when executing the application
...         Args:
...             args: Parsed command line arguments
...         """
...         print(


For both clarity and historical reasons, application names are defined in files starting with the prefix crc_. Python modules containing reusable utilities (and not a dedicated command line app) are named using a leading underscore.

You will also need to add the new application to the file under the entry_points option. The following example assumes the application class is located in apps/ and exposes the application as an executable called executable-name:

>>> from setuptools import setup

>>> setup(
...    entry_points="""
...        [console_scripts]
...        executable-name=apps.crc_example_module:ExampleApplication.execute
...    """

The online project documentation will automatically update to reflect the new application once the project repository has been updated.