
Base classes used for building command line applications.

Module Contents

class BaseParser

Bases: argparse.ArgumentParser

Base class for building commandline applications.

Child classes should implement the following:

  1. The application commandline interface in the __init__ method

  2. The primary application logic in the app_logic method

Unless set explicitly, the application description (self.description) is pulled from the class docstring.

description = ''
abstract app_logic(args: argparse.Namespace) None

Logic to evaluate when executing the application


args – Parsed command line arguments

error(message: str) None

Handle errors and exit the application

This method mimics the parent class behavior except error messages are included in the raised SystemExit exception. This makes for easier testing/debugging.

If the application was called without any commandline arguments, the application help text is printed before exiting.


message – The error message


SystemExit – Every time the method is run

classmethod execute(args: List[str] | None = None) None

Parse command line arguments and execute the application


args – Optionally parse the given arguments instead of reading STDIN