
A simple wrapper around the Slurm scancel command.

This application allows users to cancel a Slurm job by providing a job ID. It differs from the default scancel command by adding a confirmation prompt to confirm users are canceling the correct job.

Module Contents

class CrcScancel

Bases: apps.utils.cli.BaseParser

Cancel a Slurm job submitted by the current user.

static cancel_job_on_cluster(cluster: str, job_id: int) None

Cancel a running slurm job

  • cluster – The name of the cluster the job is running on

  • job_id – The ID of the slurm job to cancel

get_cluster_for_job_id(job_id: int) str

Return the name of the cluster a slurm job is running on

Exits the application with an error


job_id – The ID of th slurm job


The name of the cluster as a string

app_logic(args: argparse.Namespace) None

Logic to evaluate when executing the application


args – Namespace of parsed arguments from the command line