Installation ============ Follow the instructions below to install and configure the ``notifier`` utility. Installing System Utilities --------------------------- The ``df`` command line utility must be installed for the quota notifier to function properly. Installing the Package ---------------------- The ``notifier`` command line utility is installable via the `pip `_ (or `pipx `_) package manager: .. code-block:: pip install quota-notifier Configuration ------------- Application settings are configurable via a settings file at ``/etc/notifier/settings.json``. The example below includes a minimal subset of useful settings to get up and running. A full list of available settings is provided in the :doc:`configuration` page. The :doc:`file_systems` page provides an overview of supported file system types. .. code-block:: json { "log_path": "/home/notifier.log", "log_level": "INFO", "db_url": "sqlite:///home/notifier_data.db", "uid_blacklist": [0], "gid_blacklist": [0], "file_systems": [ { "name": "Example File System", "path": "/example", "type": "generic", "thresholds": [50, 75] } ], "email_from": "", "email_domain": "", "admin_emails": [""] } Once the application has been configured, you can check the configuration file is valid by running: .. code-block:: bash notifier --validate Issuing Automated Notifications ------------------------------- Email notifications can be automated by scheduling a chron job. System administrators will want to select a notification frequency that will be useful to users. Running at least once per day is recommended. .. code-block:: 0 9 * * 0-6 notifier