Log Formatting Standards

This project assumes Lmod log messages are written to disk using the following format. Log entries must follow this format to be parsable by the lmod-ingest application.


Individual field values are defined as follows:

Field Description
SYSLOG PREFIX A system specific message prefix added by syslog. This value is ignored.
USERNAME The name of the user who loaded the module.
JOBID The nullable (nil) ID of the slurm job the module was loaded from.
PACKAGE The name of the package loaded via lmod.
VERSION The version of the pacakge loaded via lmod.
MODULEPATH The path of the loaded module file.
HOSTNAME The machine hostname where the module was loaded.
UTC The UTC time the module was loaded.

Setting the Log Format

If your format differs from the above, you must change it by editing the SitePackage.lua file. The specific location of this file will vary depending on your Slurm cluster setup.

Appending the following code to the bottom of your SitePackage.lua file will send lmod messages to syslog using the required format. Note the slurm Job ID is determined using the nullable environmental variable SLURM_JOB_ID (and not the older, deprecated variable SLURM_JOBID).


local hook    = require("Hook")
local uname   = require("posix").uname
-- Cosmic class not available in the CRC current default lmod (6.6.3), introduced in 7.1.8
--   allows fetching of globals and defaults, see 'host' assignment in load_hook()
-- local cosmic  = require("Cosmic"):singleton()
-- local syshost = cosmic:value("LMOD_SYSHOST")

-- By using the hook.register function, this function "load_hook" is called
-- ever time a module is loaded with the file name and the module name.

local s_msgA = {}

function load_hook(t)
   -- the arg t is a table:
   --     t.modFullName:  the module full name: (i.e: gcc/4.7.2)
   --     t.fn:           The file name: (i.e /apps/modulefiles/Core/gcc/4.7.2.lua)

   if (mode() ~= "load") then return end
   local user        = os.getenv("USER")
   local jobid       = os.getenv("SLURM_JOB_ID") or "nil"
   local host        = uname("%n")
   local currentTime = epoch()
   local msg         = string.format("'user=%s jobid=%s module=%s path=%s host=%s time=%f'",
                                     user, jobid, t.modFullName, t.fn, host, currentTime)
   local a           = s_msgA
   a[#a+1]           = msg


function report_loads()

   local sys         = os.getenv("LMOD_sys") or "Linux"
   if (sys == "Linux") then
      local a = s_msgA
      for i = 1,#a do
         local msg = a[i]
         lmod_system_execute("logger -t ModuleUsageTracking -p local0.info " .. msg)

